2024 Thanksgiving Squares Board


The Independent Sports Club of Central Illinois is pleased to offer a squares board for the Thanksgiving Day NFL games.

The squares are $100 each. The numbers will be different for each of the three games and will be circulated to all registered participants prior to the first game.

Payouts for each of the three games will be:

First Quarter – $650
Halftime – $650
Third Quarter – $650
Final – $650

All winners will be paid via check from the ISC by the end of the following week.

Hit the Rules tab on this site for more details, including methods of payment.  Please make sure you have square(s) reserved on this site before paying. Payment must be confirmed to a board member or the commissioner by 4 p.m. CST Wed., Nov. 27, 2024 or the reservation will be cancelled.

Password is fundraiser

For PayPal: See below.

Thank you for your support of the ISC!

Jeff Doeden

ISC Board Member & Squares Board Commissioner

(309) 453-3633




2024 MNF Squares Board

MNF Board #1 Numbers | Board #1 Winners – Week 13

MNF Board #2 Numbers | Board #2 Winners – Week 13

It’s time for the ISC’s Monday Night Football Squares boards!
The board password is fundraiser
Once you have reserved square(s), please shoot me a quick email or text sharing how you will pay.
Most questions can be answered in the Rules tab on squares board site, but feel free to reach out if you have questions or need assistance.  We are including all 21 Monday Night Football games on the schedule this year, so the payout/quarter is $200/square, down from $240 the last few years when we only had 17-18 games for our boards. A group of our top sellers within our board of directors agreed that our participants would rather have more chances to win than to leave out one game from each of the four nights that there are a pair of MNF games.

Good luck and thank you for your support of the ISC!

Jeff Doeden

ISC Board Member & Squares Boards Commissioner

(309) 453-3633


2024 Super Bowl Squares Boards

$100 Squares Board #1 – WINNERS

$100 Squares Board #2 – WINNERS

$50 Squares Board – WINNERS

Choose and execute your method of payment and then send an email or text to Jeff Doeden – jeffdoed@hotmail.com or (309) 453-3633 – to let him know how you are paying.
      • PayPal: See below.
      • Apply winnings from ISC’s NFL Playoffs board.  Text or email Jeff Doeden if you’d like this option.
      • Cash: please give to an ISC board member.  Do not mail cash.
      • Check: payable to ISC and give to an ISC board member or mail to: ISC *  PO Box 5776 * Peoria, IL 61601


2024 NFL Playoffs Squares Board

Winners – through Conference Championship

The Independent Sports Club of Central Illinois (ISC) is pleased to offer our NFL Playoffs 2024 Squares Board.  This does not include the Super Bowl.  The Super Bowl will be on its own board that we will send out after the playoffs begin.  

  • $100/square gets you action for the first three rounds of the playoffs: Wild Card (6 games), Division Round (4 games) , and Conference Championships (2 games).
  • Just like the MNF boards, we will pay the same amount for the first quarter, second quarter, third quarter & Final scores.  That’s 48 possible ways to win.
  • Just like the NCAA tournament boards, the payouts will increase each weekend: $150 per win in Wild Cards$175 per win in Division Round & $250 per win in Conference Championships.  
  • Just like the MNF boards, each game will have its own numbers and they will be circulated before the playoffs begin, with the games labeled (ie. “Division Rd NFC: #1 vs lowest remaining”) and with teams that are known at that time.  Where teams aren’t known yet, I’ll label each axis with Home or Away (higher seed is always the home team).  After the first weekend, I’ll send out a list of winners from the Wild Card games along with the Divisional Round boards edited to include the teams in each game.  I’ll do the same thing after that round so that there’s no confusion as to what teams go with which boards & sets of numbers.

 Hit the Rules tab on the link below for more details, including methods of payment.  Please make sure you have square(s) reserved either on this site before paying.  Payment must be confirmed to a board member or the commissioner within five days of reserving the square or the reservation will be cancelled.

To reserve a square, visit our board ISC 2024 NFL Playoffs” at: https://superbowlpoolsite.com/contest/513910?pf

Board password: fundraiser

Choose and execute your method of payment and then send an email or text to me to let me know how you are paying 

  • CHECK: payable to ISC. You can give it directly to an ISC board member or mail it to:
    • ISC
    • PO Box 5776
    • Peoria, IL 61601
  • CASH: give it directly to an ISC board member.  Please don’t mail cash.

Again, most questions can be answered on the Rules tab on squares board link, but feel free to contact me or any board member if you need help.  A roster of our board members is on our website (link below).  Phone numbers for board members are listed in the most recent newsletter, which can be accessed on our website.


Good luck and thank you for your support of the ISC!


Jeff Doeden

ISC Board Member & Squares Boards Commissioner

(309) 453-3633

Playoffs Squares Board